What is the difference between PT and CV
What are the differences between PT and CV? Let's take a look at
it so you don't choose the wrong one.
Some people still ask about PT (Limited Liability Company) and CV
(Commanditaire Vennootschap), what is the difference between PT (Limited
Liability Company) and CV (Commanditaire Vennootschap), Let's see the review
below so as not to be confused anymore and add to our insights once more.
Limited Liability Company (PT) and Commanditaire Vennootschap (CV)
are two different types of business entities. From various aspects, the
following are the differences between PT and CV:
1. In the form of the company.
o PT: Is a form of company that is incorporated and
its establishment is regulated under Undang - Undang No. 40 of 2007 concerning Limited Liability Companies (UU PT).
o CV: Is a form of business
that is not incorporated because there are no specific regulations governing
2. By the provisions of its establishment.
o PT: Requires at least 2 (two) persons involved in
its establishment and both are Indonesian Citizens (WNI), but under the rules
of Foreign Investment (PMA), Foreign Nationals (FOREIGNERS) are allowed as
o CV: Does not allow foreigners as its founder and
requires at least 2 (two) indonesians to be involved in its establishment.
3. By the naming of the company.
o PT: The naming of a PT, in accordance with Article
16 of the PT Law, must be preceded by "Limited Liability Company" or
PT and the name of PT must not be the same or similar to the name of an
existing PT and stands in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia in
accordance with the provisions of Government Regulation No. 26 of 1998
concerning the Use of The Name of a Limited Liability Company.
o CV: There are no specific naming rules, so it could
be that a CV has a name similar to or even the same as another CV.
4. From the capital of the company.
o PT: The basic capital is at least Rp. 50.000.000,-
unless otherwise determined by the laws or regulations governing the
implementation of such business activities. From the capital, at least 25% must
be deposited by the founders of PT as shareholders.
o CV: The amount of initial capital is not
specifically determined so that the deposit of capital can be determined and
recorded independently. CV also does not have a shareholding system.
5. By the management.
o PT: Minimum has 2 (two) administrators acting
as Directors and Commissioners. Especially for PT Terbuka, it is required to
have at least 2 (two) members of the board of directors.
o CV: Management in a CV is carried out by at least 2
(two) people, namely Persero Aktif and Persero Pasif.
6. By its business activities.
o PT: Can conduct all business activities in
accordance with the purpose and purpose of its establishment. Examples are
Trade, Contractors, Agriculture, Press Companies, Private Broadcast Radio,
Tourism, Shipping, and others.
o CV: Only limited to Trade, Contractor up to Grade 4,
Industry, Workshop, Agriculture, Printing, and Services.
7. By the establishment process.
o PT: It takes a long time because the establishment
of a PT requires the ratification of the Minister of Law and Human Rights of
the Republic of Indonesia as well as various other procedures that are quite
o CV: The establishment is shorter because it does not
require special authorization and the cost required is much cheaper.